Its Been a While

I have now been on summer break for the past two weeks. I have been relaxing and reflecting on the past school year and asking myself a few questions. Maybe these will help you reflect on your academic year.

1. How did my students progress this year?
2. What could I do different?
3. What worked?
4. What didn't work?
5. What are the new cool things that I can incorporate into my teaching next year?

These are just a few to get you started thinking ... add any comments or experiences that you think could be helpful to the group.


Dorit Sasson said...


I came across your blog your California teacher. I am an ESL teacher too. Have you checked out this site for end of the year activities pertaining to ESL?

That is great that you are reflecting on your teaching. I think I'll write a more extended blog entry on it this week. Thanks for the reminder.

Enjoy your well-deserved summer vacation!


Anonymous said...

Hey Its me again Pavlo,
I was thinking how hard is it to teach other students English?

Melissa said...

Hey Pavlo,
Sometimes it hard to teach students English and sometimes it is easy. It is easier when my students want to learn English. When they want to learn English then they try harder and study more. The students that don't care about learning are the hardest to teach because they are not motivated.

Melissa said...

test comment

Melissa said...

cocomment test

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Melissa, thank you so much for your comment on our blog. I would absolutely love to hook our students up! And to communicate more with you! I am so inspired by what you do. I love your blog and your pictures. My email is Keep in touch!

Mustofa said...

HI, I come from Indonesia.. I hope I can improve my English at this site, nice to visit here